Professional Valuations

Toovey’s Valuation Services
Presale Valuations
Toovey’s are happy to provide free pre-sale valuations on individual items or entire collections. These valuations can be provided at our salerooms by appointment: Monday to Friday between 10am and 3pm (excluding our viewing and sale days). We can also offer pre-sale valuations by appointment at your home, these can be booked by contacting our offices. For the majority of items we can provide a good indication of its value by email. All pre-sale valuations are offered without any obligation to consign. Click here for further information on selling at auction and note our terms and conditions for sellers.
Professional ValuationsToovey’s are pleased to provide written professional valuations for the purpose of insurance, probate, family-division and capital gains from entire collections to single items. We are pleased to offer a free consultation without obligation, to assess your requirements and discuss our fees.
InsuranceMost insurance companies and their loss adjusters require collectors to maintain a detailed inventory. There is also a much better chance of recovering stolen items if they are professionally recorded.
ProbateEnabling accurate calculation of inheritance tax liability. We have many years’ experience of dealing with probate lawyers and executors and can also recommend house clearance experts. These valuations may also form the basis for the equitable division of an estate amongst beneficiaries and/or the eventual sale at auction of any surplus chattels.
Family DivisionEnabling an equitable distribution between the parties involved.
Capital GainsEstablishing values to calculate your capital gains tax liability.
Please call our offices on 01903 891955 or email us at for more information and for initial fee estimates. All non-sale valuations are individually priced.