LOT 4070
13th September 2019

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Condition Report X
LOT 4070
Eric Gill A.R.A. - a Hopton Wood stone rectangular devotional panel, carved in the Ditchling workshop, incised in Latin and English with 'Considerate lilia agri - Consider the lilies of the field', height 20.5cm, length 50.5cm, depth 7.9cm. Note: the inscription relates to a passage from the Gospel according to Matthew, Chapter 6, Verse 28: 'And why are you concerned about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They neither toil nor spin. Yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed like one of these.' Provenance: removed from Woodbarton, Ditchling, East Sussex, the house designed by Eric Gill for his associate Desmond Chute.
Hammer price: £8,000
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